Randomized trial of rG-CSF (Neupogen) versus Placebo to prevent of the premature nosocomial infections in neutropenic preterm infants
DEC-NET Serial number FR511
Published online02/11/2005 14.10.00
Last updated22/06/2006 15.19.25
Other protocol ID numberPHRC N° 2712
Current trial statusOpen (actively recruiting new participants)
Major Disease
(ICD9 class)
Other infection specific to the perinatal period. Incl. Septicemia [sepsis] of newborn
Experimental drug
rG-CSF Filgrastim
Age (range)<33-36 weeks of gestation age

Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria
-Infant of less than 33 weeks or less than 36 weeks and less than 1500 g - Having less than 1500 PNN/mm3 during the first 3 weeks for at least 24 hours. -Written informed consent.
Exclusion criteria
-Neutropenia related with a ongoing bacterial infection (materno foetal or secondary infections or related to a viral foetopathy). -Infant with major malformation -Infant with life threatening neurological anomalies

Trial design/methodology
Kind of studyEfficacy
Double blind
Purpose of study
To correct the neutropenia of premature infants during the first 3 weeks of life by the administration of rG-CSF (Neupogen) and thus to reduce the appearance of nosocomial infections.
Primary outcomes
To decrease the number of nocosomial infections during the first weeks of life
Secondary outcomes
Summary of study design, objectives, and ongoing research findings
Multicentric, randomized,double blinded study of rG-csf (Neupogen) versus placebo, evaluating the effect of the rG-csf (Neupogen) to prevent the occurrence of early nosocomial infections in neutropenic extreme premature infant (<1500 neutrophiles/mm3 during at least 24 hours)during the first days of life.
Principal investigator
NamePr. Jean MESSER
InstitutionHôpital de hautepierre, Service de Pédiatrie 2
Postal addressAvenue molière F-67098 Strasbourg

CHU Strasbourg (University)

Participating centres
CHU Grenoble (Grenoble)
CHU Angers (Angers)
Hôpital de la Côte Basque (Bayonne)
CHU St Jacques (Besançon)
CHU Hôpital des Enfants (Bordeaux)
Hôpital Clémenceau (Caen)
CH de Calais (Calais)
CHU Hôtel-Dieu (Clermont-Ferrand)
Hôpital d'Enfants (Dijon)
Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre (Lille)
Hôpital Saint-Antoine (Lille)
CHU Dupuytren (Limoges)
Hôpital Edouard Herriot (Lyon)
CH Lyon-Sud (Lyon Pierre-Benite)
Hôpital de la Timone-Enfants (Marseille)
CH Arnaud de Villeneuve (Montpellier)
CH André Grégoire ( Paris Montreuil)
CH du Hasenrain (Mulhouse)
Maternité Régionale A. Pinard (Nancy)
CHRU de Nantes (Nantes)
CHU de Nice (Nice)
CHU Carémeau (Nîmes)
IPRPN (Paris)
Hôpital Robert Debré (Paris)
Hôpital de Port-Royal (Paris)
Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul (Paris)
CH Poissy-Saint Germain (Poissy)
CHU Hôpital Jean-Bernard (Poitiers)
CH René Dubos (Pontoise)
CHU Reims (Reims)
CHU Rouen (Rouen)
CH la Beauchée (Saint-Brieuc)
Hôpital Nord (Saint-Etienne)
CHU Purpan (Toulouse)
CHRU Tours (Tours)
Hôpital Louis Mourier (Colombes)
CHI Créteil (Créteil)
Hôpital de Lens (Lens)
CHR d'Orléans (Orléans)
Hôpital Armand Trousseau (Paris)
Hôpital Sud (Rennes)
CHU Nord (Amiens)