Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) in young patients with IgA Nephropathy: effects against deterioration of renal function
DEC-NET Serial number IT448
Published online20/07/2005 16.06.00
Last updated08/09/2005 13.21.31
Other protocol ID number
Current trial statusClosed to recruitment of participants: follow-up continuing
Major Disease
(ICD9 class)
Nephritis and nephropathy, not specified as acute
Experimental drug
Age (range)3-35 years

Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria
Patients with dominant or co-dominant IgA mesangial deposits at renal biopsy will be eligible for the study if they will meet the criteria of Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) greater than 50 ml/min/1.73 m2 and proteinuria greater than 1g less than 3.5 g/1.73 m2/day in the 3 months before the enrolment. Patients normotensive or previously hypertensive in treatment with non ACE-I are eligible
Exclusion criteria
Secondary IgAN (Henoch-Schoenlein purpura, Lupus, Celiac disease, chronic liver or pulmonary diseases); any treatment with steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, cytostatic agents and ACE-I in the last 6 months before entering the trial (3 months before the run-in phase); renovascular hypertension; heart block;collagen vascular disease; diabetes; impaired hepatic function; history of angioneurotic edema or of hypersensitivity to ACE-I; leukopenia and significant haematological diseases; pregnancy or unwilling to use appropriate measures to avoid pregnancy during the study; likelihood of uncooperative attitude or poor compliance of parents or patient himself; uncontrolled arterial hypertension (these patients are included as soon as BP control is achieved by appropriate treatment with nifedipine and/or atenolol); need for treatment with diuretics because of edema; chronic cough

Trial design/methodology
Kind of studyEfficacy
Double blind
Purpose of study
To determine the therapeutic potential on the progression to renal failure of ACE-I in young patients with IgA nephropathy
Summary of study design, objectives, and ongoing research findings
This will be a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospective, multicenter clinical trial evaluating the effect of ACE-I (benazepril 0.2 mg/Kg/Day) in children and young adults with IgAN who are at risk of progression to renal failure. The primary objective is to assess the effects on the decline of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Secondary objectives are to assess the effect on proteinuria and the clinical and histological features of patients responsive to this treatment . The study consists of a three month run-in phase to make sure that the patients constantly accomplish the entering criteria and to lower blood pressure (BP) into the normal range if necessary. Then, the patients will be randomized either to ACE-I or placebo group and enter the trial. Follow-up lasts 5 years.
Principal investigator
NameProf.ssa Rosanna Coppo
InstitutionNefrologia Dialisi e Trapianto - Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita
Postal addressP.zza Polonia, 94 - 10126
Phone011 3135848
Fax011 6635543

International lead principal investigator (for international trials)
NameProf.ssa Rosanna Coppo
InstitutionNephrology and Dialysis Unit Regina Margherita Children's Hospital
Postal addressP.zza Polonia 94
Phone011 3135848
Fax011 6635543

Sponsor name
Novartis (Industry)

Participating countries

Participating centres
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Regina Margherita (Torino)
Nefrologia Pediatrica - Università di Napoli (Napoli)
Nefrologia - Ospedale Martini (Torino)
Nefrologia Pediatrica - Ospedale G. di Cristina (Palermo)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale "G. Bosco" (Torino)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Clinica Pediatrica "De Marchi" (Milano)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale di Treviso (Treviso)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale di Borgomanero (Borgomanero (NO))
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale San Paolo (Savona)
Nefrologia - Clinica Pediatrica Università di Catania (Catania)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale Mauriziano (Torino)
Nefrologia e Dialisi II - Università di Napoli (Napoli)
Clinica Pediatrica di Pisa (Pisa)
Nefrologia - Ospedale Maggiore (Crema)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Bambin Gesù (Roma)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale (Asti)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - MEYER (Firenze)
Nefrologia e Dialisi - Ospedale Santobono (Napoli)